Focused Intensive Care Echo Course (FICE) UHL
The Training Lead Office in ULHG In partnership with Dr Cian McDermott, organized the first Irish Focused Intensive Care Echo Course (FICE) last October as part of the IAEM Annual Scientific Meeting. Dr Catherine Nix, ULHG Training Lead & Consultant Anaesthetist Intensivist has been working with local & national colleagues to teach Point of Care Ultrasound to learners here in UL, ULHG & further afield. This technology has the potential to reduce the time to diagnosis for patients and to improve patient flow. It is best delivered to learners in a structured program with an emphasis on scope of practice & quality assurance. The ULHG Training Lead Office is working with local educators in the University of Limerick & clinicians/physiologists in many departments in ULHG to produce a local strategy to develop such a structured program. Please see link below to Cardiac & Musculoskeletal Sonoanatomy for ULGEMS 2nd year Medical Students